Registered & Protected BREAKING NEWS: A Well-liked MP Announces His Departure from Parliament -Read Details

BREAKING NEWS: A Well-liked MP Announces His Departure from Parliament -Read Details

JUST IN: A Well-liked MP Announces His Departure from Parliament -Details 

After serving for 24 years, Cletus Avoka has declared he won't run for the Zebila seat in 2024. 

He claims that he is stepping down to allow the younger members of his constituency to serve. 

He stated in an exclusive interview with GhanaWeb's Nimatu Yakubu Atouyese, "I have run in all eight elections in this Parliament and by the end of 2024, I will have served 24 years in parliament. I also believe that some young people in the constituency have reached voting age.

I've gained enough experience in the area to feel confident that, should I resign and be replaced by a younger man, the next leader will be well-instructed and successful. 

Avoka continued by saying that even though he will continue to be physically fit and mentally sharp, the time had come for someone else to step into his shoes. He said he was prepared to impart his wisdom and expertise to his successor. 


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The politician added that there have been conflicting responses to his plans to leave the legislature, with some believing he should remain an MP and others saying it's a positive step.

Others think it's time for me to leave while I'm still quite strong since I've served the constituency well. Some people think I should stay because of my experience in the legislature. Even though some of my constituents are not delighted, they are all happy that I am leaving in a positive light. 

One of the lawmakers with the longest tenure is Cletus Avoka.

He was a member of the first parliament from 1993 to 2005, at which time he lost his seat to the late John Ndebugri in the Bawku West constituency. 

He returned in 2009 to serve as the Zebilla constituency's second MP. 

From 2000 to 2004, Cletus Avoka served as the MP for Garu Tempane. 

He was elected to the Ghanaian parliament in the general elections of 2000, representing the Garu-Tempane electorate in the country's Upper East Region. 

In that election for the Upper East Region, he came out on top as an independent candidate. 

In the Jerry Rawlings administration, he served as Minister for the Interior and Minister for Lands and Forestry. 

He would have served 24 years in 2024 in parliament.


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