Registered & Protected BREAKING:ECG tariffs will increase by 30% starting on February 1.

BREAKING:ECG tariffs will increase by 30% starting on February 1.

 BREAKING:ECG tariffs will increase by 30% starting on February 1.

Ghanaians will start paying more for utility prices as of tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1, 2023, when the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority's (PURC) stated increase takes effect.

With effect from February 1, 2023, PURC increased the cost of electricity by nearly 30% and water by 8.3%.

The PURC justified its decision to approve the raise by pointing to the devaluation of the cedi, skyrocketing inflation, and problems with electricity generation.

The power distributor claimed in a press statement from the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) that it has included the unit usage and the anticipated cost in a "Reckoner" that clearly shows how the tariff is applied and invoiced.

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"Please be aware that the tariff percentage increase for each given customer will depend on the customer categorization and usage category. To assist consumers with their purchases of power, The Reckoner will be displayed in all of our districts and customer care centers countrywide.

"ECG informs its customers and stakeholders of our commitment to ensuring a seamless implementation of the new price by making this statement."

The ECG said that it has set up customer care centers and assistance desks in each district to assist, clarify, and resolve any issues.

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