Registered & Protected Deal with issues in the education sector Now — GNECC

Deal with issues in the education sector Now — GNECC


The government has been urged by the Ghana National Education Coalition Campaign (GNECC) to take urgent action to solve the problems the education sector is now experiencing.

Additionally, it urged the president to keep the pledge he made to dedicate 23% of the national budget to education during the UN's Transforming Education Summit. The alliance was reminding the president of this pledge.

"The government's 12.9 percent budgetary allocation to the education sector in the 2023 national budget," according to a statement from GNECC, "despite indicating an increase as compared to last year's allocation, still falls short of the target Ghana has set for itself during the Global Education Summit held in the United Kingdom in 2021 where the president pledged to spend at least 23% of the national budget on education over the medium term from 2021 to 2025."

"To invest in people, prioritize education" was the theme of the fifth International Day of Education.

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The International Day of Education was declared by the UN General Assembly on January 24 in honor of the contribution that education makes to world peace and progress.

771 million adults in the world are illiterate, while 244 million children and teenagers are not in school.

The GNECC also urged the government and other important parties to provide funding for elementary schools and inclusive education first priority.

Resource allocation

Budgetary support for elementary education fell by roughly 40% in 2023 compared to 2022. The majority of Ghana's public schools still lack the textbooks necessary to enable in-class instruction and learning. Approximately 80% of basic schools' infrastructure is in a very bad shape, and the majority of classrooms are overcrowded, according to a GNECC assessment of independent civil society organizations on school infrastructure done in 2021.

Because of the scarcity or inadequateness of classroom furniture, some students learn while sitting on the bare floor. The GNECC is requesting that the government reallocate certain funds to senior high schools, such as the free tablets that will be given to SHS students in order to improve the quality of their basic education.

It claimed that improving basic education will provide students in SHSs access to high-quality learning outcomes at that level.

The administration was also tasked with consulting with all significant parties over the implementation of the SHS program.

Integrated education

The 0.02 percent of the 29.7 percent of the 2023 education budget designated for the implementation of inclusive education in 2023, according to GNECC, is insufficient for the efficient execution of the inclusive education policy.

"To encourage the effective implementation of the inclusive education policy, GNECC is calling on the government to honor its commitment at the 2018 Disability Summit in the UK to allocate 1.5% of the education budget for the effective implementation of the inclusive education policy," the group said.

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