Registered & Protected MoMo vendor kills himself and leaves a letter (See Details)

MoMo vendor kills himself and leaves a letter (See Details)

 MoMo vendor kills himself and leaves a letter (See Details)


Richard Boadi Abunya, a 29-year-old MoMo seller from Sehwi Bodi in the Western North Region, is said to have killed himself.

Early on January 13, 2023, Mr. Abunya, who also sold recharge cards, was discovered dead in his room, hanging.

According to information acquired by Adom News, a consumer visited him at home to purchase a recharge card.

She knocked on his door, but no one came to respond. This caught his sister's attention, and she came to knock as well. She yelled his name, but to no avail.

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But when his sister barged in, she saw him dangling from the crossbar with a sponge.

The guy apologized to his family, friends, and loved ones in a message that he left behind before taking his own life.

It says in the letter:



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