Registered & Protected Police Officer forgets gun in Vehicle after accepting GH 100 bribe.--EWESINFO

Police Officer forgets gun in Vehicle after accepting GH 100 bribe.--EWESINFO

 Police Officer forgets gun in Vehicle after accepting GH 100 bribe.--EWESINFO

The driver, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims that five police officers stopped his car and informed him that he was being detained for loading in an unapproved location.

The Coast to Takoradi passengers were loaded by me. Around 8:30 p.m. on Friday, a police car with around five cops stopped me as I approached Takoradi. He spoke on Connect FM's Omanbapa morning show team. "They alighted all my passengers and informed me I was under arrest and that I will be transported to the office to be processed before court. I accepted.

He continues by saying that the police stopped him along the route and requested that he pay GH$150 in order to be released.

"On the way to the police station, they stopped and informed me that I would have to pay GH 500 and have my car locked up until Monday if they were to take me there. I begged them to have compassion on me as they then demanded that I pay GH 150. They informed me that I wasn't being sincere and that the only price at which they would let me leave was GH 100. So I gave them the GHC 100 and they let me leave to finish my work," he said.

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The driver said that once the cops entered his car, he discovered one of them had left his revolver in the front seat.

I was unable to work again since they had stolen all of my day's earnings. When I got home, I saw the policeman had left his pistol in the car. Because of the pistol that is currently in my car, I have been unable to work for some time, he said.

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