Registered & Protected Provide Life jackets for Students who cross rivers to school-EduWatch to GES

Provide Life jackets for Students who cross rivers to school-EduWatch to GES

 Provide Life jackets for Students who cross rivers to school-EduWatch to GES

The government has been urged to provide life jackets as a matter of urgency to all schools in areas with water transportation, according to the education think group Africa Education Watch (EduWatch).

EduWatch issued the requests, claiming that everyone who must cross water bodies must have access to life jackets, particularly schoolchildren.

The requests follow the January 24 drowning deaths of eight students whose boat crashed on Volta Lake.

Twenty students were traveling from Atikagome to Wayokope at the time the event happened, and eight of them were among them.

According to EduWatch, conversations with educational officials in the region show that it is a regular occurrence for children in the Sene East District of the Bono Region, which screams for immediate attention for life jackets to be given to promote safe water travel.

"Our interactions with district education authorities reveal that more than a hundred students and staff regularly travel by unrestricted means of transportation to and from school. This includes the lack of life jackets on the boats that are readily accessible.

Because of this, it urged "the Ghana Education Service (GES) to facilitate the availability of life jackets to all school children and staff who sail to and from school, not only in the Sene East district but also in all other island and settler communities where children and staff commute by water to school." All of the GES's students and employees in island communities should participate in health and safety orientation workshops that are facilitated by the appropriate state agencies.

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Additionally, EdutWatch warned "the Minister of Education to work closely with the Sene East District Assembly and other local authorities in districts with island communities to strengthen the enforcement of health and safety standards at all water transport routes throughout the country, specifically in the Sene East area where this unfortunate incident occurred."

In the short term, the Ministry of Education must give schools in island and settler communities, like Wayokope, where this terrible tragedy took place, suitable teacher housing and financial incentives. This will stop students and instructors from regularly traveling through hazardous conditions to attend classes in distant towns, EduWatch added.

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